music Bridget likes

Mel Parsons

So yesterday I’m listening to National Radio pottering around pretending to do jobs around the house but not really making a firm commitment to anything.  I was feeling far too smug about having planted hedging all around the new vegetable patch and the clothesline paving.  I heard Mel Parsons being played, I hopped in my car went to what seems to be the only place in Dunedin where you can buy a cd that isn’t completely mainstream and I bought this.  It is great, boppy, countryish, she has a great voice and every song is a winner.  I feel like a winner for finding her.  Thanks RNZ

Lana Del Rey

If you are looking for sad and beautiful the video below may be nirvana for you.  The music without the video is gorgeous, but add the video and you get a totally different feel. Super 8 footage in the old school style, gorgeous opening, very distopian and glamour glamour glamour.  She’s described herself as “Hollywood Pop/Sad Core” it is certainly sad, it is certainly beautiful and I love it a lot.  The video has had some of it’s content ‘adjusted’ if you want to see what she originally made then have a look at it here on Daily Motion.

Her Myspace page gives you access to more videos and photos etc.

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Lady Gaga and the video of awesomeness

It has been a while since Lady Gaga impressed me with her video antics but this time I’m her video watcher slave again. The video of You and I is cool.  If she is going to put in scenes like this (watch it and you will know what I’m talking about) I’m going to watch and listen and probably download/buy the cd.  Mermaids, Gaga dressed as a James Dean lookalike, gorgeousness galore.  I like!  Great tune.

Listen to Libby!

If you like it (and of course you do) you could join this Facebook page called Text Vote for Libs which aims to get Libby Hamilton onto the morning TV show Good Morning.  I don’t watch morning television due to an allergy – well an allergy to missing Morning Report on National Radio.  Libby is from Alexandra and is a lovely person, and she can sing.  Really sing.  Really sing beautifully and well.  Join the page.  Go on.  She is lovely!

Bach it’s good for the soul

Bach gets funked up and put onto a course of steroids in this vid.  These guys have just won the YouTube ‘On the rise’ competition, musicians who are going in new directions and using new cool tools.  I’ve played this over and over since it came up today, helping contribute to the huge number of hits it’s had – and is going to have when anybody who sees this watches it.

Turn your sound up and fall a little bit in love with cellos.

The Decemberists – Musical loveliness

Ahhhh The Decemberists.  Discovered on Saturday afternoons on National Radio with Kirsten Johnstone.  This totally gorgeous video gives you a taste of their music.  This is one of the most gorgeous looking videos I’ve seen in ages, those faces are just so clear and poignant.  They play great music make cool fun videos and I really like them.

The Decemberists

Paper Airplane – Alison Krauss & Union Station

It is ages since I bought a CD. Ages and ages, I couldn’t even remember the last one – maybe K.T. Tunstall.  Then on Kim Hill on Saturday morning on National Radio I heard the CD I had been waiting to buy.  This one!   It is gorgeous.  I’m delighted with my purchase.  I really have nothing more to say about this except if you don’t know Alison Krauss’s music you are missing a wonderful clear voice and beautiful country music that is so likeable.

Her last album, with Robert Palmer, Raising Sand has been on high rotation in my car for ages and I’m really happy to have a new bunch of songs to sing along with her.  I tend to head towards the whine whereas she reaches the clear, bell-like high notes without a hint of whine, but oh well!  Here is one of the songs from the album called Paper Airplane.

Tim Minchin

Via the wonderful Miriam Tuohy’s FB page.

Tim Minchin is an Australian comedian and musician, or musician and comedian.  Witty repartee is his specialty area that and fantastic piano stylings.  Check out his website here and the video below.  Nice.  He is also the voice in the film of Shaun Tan’s wonderful The Lost Thing which won an academy award in recent times.  More niceness.

Here Ok Go Again!

Oh yes, so witty so clever.  Those who follow the band Ok Go will know that their big hit was Here it goes again.  You know the video with the guys on the treadmills. Loved it.  Here is their latest effort.  Really it wouldn’t matter what the music was like their videos are so good that it is more visual than music for me.  Here is the link to the previous Ok Go effort This too shall pass which came out earlier this year.  These guys are so cool!

“Directed by Trish Sie and OK Go – Produced by Shirley Moyers
Special thanks to: Lauren Henry and Roland Sonnenburg and their team of trainers from Talented Animals, the town of Corvallis OR for being so welcoming to us.
Official music video for OK Go’s ‘White Knuckles’. Deluxe album and merch packages available now at

Ben Folds, Nick Hornby and Pomplamoose

I am a bit in love with the work (and possibly the personalities) of both Nick Hornby and Ben Folds.  Witty and clever both of them.  So they got together, had a chat and have produced an album together, Nick doing the lyrics and Ben singing the songs.  Nice!  Read about how it all works here in this article from Paste magazine.  Link to the song below on iTunes.  This is a cool video of one of the songs with Ben, Nick and Pomplamoose.  Album out September 28th.  Might have to get one of those!

More beautiful music and video

I really have no idea about this other than I was cruising the blogs and found it on a site called N.Design Studio.  They make lovely CSS templates and other techy stuff and it is all rather beautiful.

Check out the Abstract Peacock it is gorgeous and comes as a free wallpaper if you want that kind of thing.

Below Official music video for ‘Ljósið’ taken from Ólafur Arnalds – ‘Found Songs’ (2009)

Hey Marseilles – music for free!

This band are from Seattle, the coolest city in the U.S.A. I think, if you don’t count San Francisco, and indeed when you consider that there are plenty of U.S. cities I have never been to!  Fans of the Barenaked Ladies (of which I am one) will probably really like this music.  On their website you can sign up for a free download of their latest  album.  Which indeed I have just done and golly it works!  Even here in NZ.  But for a limited time.  Get onto it quickly is my advice if you like the sound of the vid below.